Jiøí Forman

Date of birth: 3.10.1993

Birthplace: Mladá Boleslav

Residence: Úvaly u Prahy

Height: 155 cm

Weight: 36 kg

Hobby: most karts (I drive from 10 years old), music and reading books

E-mail: jiri.forman@csms.cz

Objectives for 2011:
Reach 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in Rotax Max Eurochallange or Rotax Max Winter Cup races, repeat the title of the champion of the Czech Republic and finish in the top ten in U18 series.

Career so far:
2010 Winner of the Rotax Max series in the Czech Republic
U18 - winner of the first ever race (Wackensdorf - Nìmecko)
U18 - fastest time in final (Val d´Arrgenton - France)
Final - Rotax Max Grand Finals
2009 Winner of the Rotax Max series in the Czech Republic
Final- Rotax Max Grand finals
Winner of 1st race - Rotax Max Grand finals
2006 Karting Championship of the Czech Republic, Kadet class, 8th place in the race
Karting Championship of the Czech Republic, Kadet class, twice 4th place in the race
Easy Kart International, Easy International Grand Finals, Jessolo, Italy, 6th place (EASY 100)
2005 Karting Championship of the Czech Republic, Kadet class, 8th position, 239 points
2004 Karting Championship of the Czech Republic, Kadet class, 8th position in the race, 145 points
Karting Championship of the Czech Republic, Kadet class, 2 x 4th position in the race
Easy Kart International, Easy International Grand Finals, Jessolo, Italy, 6th position



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