Forman in the 10th position at this year's first big race qualifications

Forman in the 10th position at this year's first big race qualifications
- 11. 2. 2012, Campillios -

To the start of the Senior Max category, Rotax Winter Cup attracted a wide range of the best world's pilots, but the Czech drivers would like to see themselves higher in the scoring list. Especially Jiøí Forman, who got a great 7th place in both morning non-qualification, but measured trainings. In the qualification he ended up only on the 10th position though. In his display he saw time almost two decimal points better, so did not try hard enough at the end of the qualification, as he wanted to save his tyres for the next day's race. It is a pity, because starting from the fifth row will certainly be much more difficult and above all more risky.

"Tomorrow I must handle the starts, then I can fight for the top position. The differences among the best drivers are small, so I do have a realistic chance,"Jiøí Forman commented on his next day's tactics.

Expect our river, also 5 other drivers ended on the first ten positions - drivers from England (Babington, Brand, King, Eastwood, Scott), one from Holland (Blom), Estonia (Talvar), Portugal (Mora) and Austria (Kancsar). We can see the competition was really tough, because the last year's ME KZ2 champion Johansson ended up only on the 29th position. One position ahead of our Mirek Kováø, who was the last in the third ten of drivers. Petr Bìžel ended at the end of the second ten of drivers, at the 19th position.



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