Tests on Brno Circuit

- 12. 4. 2012, Brno -

The Bohemia Racing Team took advantage of favourable spring weather to test AUDI A4 DTM cars. Along with Michal Matėjovský, it was also Thomas Schoeffler, Germany, who took part in testing on the Masaryk Circuit in Brno, and also Miroslav Forman for a while. The tests were performed on dry track, at the temperature around 15 °C. Both Czech drivers had a great feeling after the drives. "The last year with AUDI A4 DTM was a sort of introductory, even though I felt fairly confidently in this strong car during the second half of the season. I am glad to have chance to drive some practice laps after a rather long winter break, and to reach times comparable to the last years' after a few years." said content Michal Matėjovský in Brno after this year's first tests.

"During the winter break, we were entirely devoting ourselves to thorough preparation of equipment. Today, we have many foreign kinds, and we are improving the machine adjustment according to what our drivers say. The cars are in a perfect condition before the season. At the moment we are well prepared and we are all looking forward to it," added the BRT manager, Petr Najman.



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