Buggyra Setting Off for Dakar

- 5. 1. 2014, Rosario, Argentina -

The Dakar Rally has been formally launched. The most famous long-distant competition is grandiose this year, indeed, and the figures speak for everything. Among 431 racing crews it is also the Tatra Buggyra Racing team that have an eye on great results. The figures really are breath-taking: 431 crews include 70 trucks, 40 quads, 147 cars and 174 bikes. During nearly two weeks pilots are expected to drive 9,188km out of which 5,212km will be timed. This year will be broadcast by over 70 TV channels in 190 countries and five continents. No wonder that everyone would like to come up trumps. South America is now under the microscope. During the Friday's event "ARGENTINIAN NIGTH TO LAUNCH THE DAKAR RALLY 2014" the minister of the Tourism of Argentina, Carlos Enrique Meyer, and Etienne Lavinge, the director of the Dakar, invited the participation in this year. The grand event reached a peak by a few-hour prologue on Saturday, when each of the crews was presented; three million onlookers are reported to arrive in Rosario having a million inhabitants.

"Here, everything is being livened up by the Dakar. Loads of accompanying events and concerts are being organised. However, not everything is that rosy, also protest demonstrations are being sparked. We witnessed one event when a few fops had set some tyres on fire on the road to the Bivouac," depicted the atmosphere in the city Martin Kolomı, the pilot of the Tatra 815 Buggyra.

Therefore, it is apparent that security measures that have been taken are extensive. Also organisers, who are not going to compromise any racing pilots' misbehaviour, are aware of that nothing should be underestimated. "The crews will be both regularly and random alcohol-tested. Anybody who should violate safety will be penalized or withdrawn from the competition. I'm definitely for such an attitude. It just improves the quality of competitions," says Martin Kolomı.

Also the crews with vehicles driven by a racing engine Gyrtech from the Buggyra's assembling shop have already prepared everything for the start. "We've checked and tuned all engines to be completely ready. The beginning is always hectic here, and despite the ASO tends to organise the event professionally, absolute chaos reigns here, no wonder that everyone is looking forward to the start," depicts the readiness of the Bonver Dakar project and KM Racing's crews Robin Dolejš, the technical director of the Tatra Buggyra Racing team.

For Kolomı's Tatra, the programme on the first racing day starts at 8.50 a.m. (local time, here -4hours), when trucks leave a parc ferme to set out for a four-hundred-km passage, followed by a 180-km-long timed stage, and another two-hundred-km passage to San Luis. By the itinerary, the truck crews are expected to arrive there at a time interval 18:25-20:45 of the local time, here, in the Czech republic around the midnight. "I guess, we'll see if we have a real chance after the first three, four stages," says Martin Kolomı.

For more information search for www.buggyra.com.

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