Czech Participants Predict Russian Lorry Champion Among Trucks

- 16. 1. 2014, Antofagasta/El Salvador, Chile -

Carried out on a five-hundred-km-long transfer section of another stage, and the first moments in the Bivouac, was a survey with Czech participants in the Dakar Rally 2014 asking about the final standings in the Truck category, and the Czech most successful driver. It is the Russian team Kamaz who will be the winner by the Czech participants' predictions.

I have come up with an idea to ask Czech participants in this year's Dakar Rally about their predictions on the Truck category standings. I asked them in the moment when the centrally organised team Kamaz was attacking De Roy who was in a lead; after today's stage, the Russian team seems to be now in with a better chance of winning for bettering by seven minutes thanks to Kargin. Here are the Czech participants' predictions they gave:

Martin Kolomý: "Kamaz will win, like they did last year; they're going in an organised way to get win; in another half of the race they seem impossible to be stopped. Hardly any base in the Truck category compares with theirs. But anything might happen ... the Finish is on Saturday, and it might be De Roy on the podium. I guess, Aleš Loprais will finish in fourth place, which would definitely be great success."

The brothers Kiliáns: "It depends on who will make fewer mistakes on Friday. But apparently, a Russian Karginov is cool enough, determined aiming to reach his target, what's more, strongly supported by all team Kamaz. Anything may happen, but I guess it'll be again Kamaz who will dominate the Dakar. Aleš Loprais, I guess, will be fourth, providing the trucks now before him have no technical problems, as a margin over third Nikolayev seems to be a bit large."

Robin Dolejš: "Karginov and the Kamaz team have the highest chance for victory. I don't suppose, they'll fail to defend a title. If Aleš Loprais finishes coming after them and De Roy, it'll be success, taking into account his base and the big teams he has to compete in the race."

Jaroslav Valtr: "Definitely, it'll be the Kamaz, despite losing Mardeyev at the beginning. Yet their lorries are in a lead, and they'll be. They are good pilots, hard working, and have a good base. I think, they sometimes run too huge risk. I don't dare guess Aleš Loprais's standings at all."

Karel Neffer: "I arrived here only yesterday, but I tend to think it'll be the Kamaz team, Aleš Loprais'll come in fourth place."

Finally, my guess ... (honestly, it's late Thursday's night and it might have been just a dream): "Martin Kolomý'll notch up a narrow win over Jarda Valtr next year, despite the Kamazs will follow hot on their heels, but our boys'll make it and will have joy."

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(from Chile Miroslav Forman).

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