Lacko Wins Again at Hungaroring! Forman Ranking Fourth

- 28. 8. 2016, Hungaroring, Hungary -

The balance of one victory per racing weekend has remained uninterrupted as far as Adam Lacko is concerned. Although the Hungarian bitumen made the Czech pilot work hard, Lacko eventually even managed to win a race. Another decent score is taken away from Hungary by Jiří Forman, who managed to hold Hahn behind him and rank fourth. SaturdayFriday practices at Hungaroring already showed that the new bitumen coat of the Hungarian circuit would be an unexpected rival for Buggyra pilots. This was also confirmed in the time practice and the subsequent Super Pole. The pole position eventually belonged to Jochen Hahn, the fifth Lacko lost seven tenths behind him and Jirka occupied the fifth row thank to his ninth best lap time. When the green lights flashed on Jochen Hahn was like shot forward and remembering past years he seized start-finish lead. Adam Lacko struggled for the fourth rank with Kiss but the Hungarian pilot, cheered by the domestic audience, did not give his rank up in favour of the Czech pilot. “We tried a change of setting but it is not enough yet, although the overall loss is not any catastrophe. Unfortunately, the road is too slippery for us, more than for our rivals. Now we have about thirty minutes for servicing so we will not probably able to change much,” said the disappointed Adam in the finish. Jirka Forman did not stay long in the race. After an excellent start he collided with Ellen Lohr in the third curve and had to withdraw from the race. “I succeeded with the start but unfortunately in the third curve Lohr unexpectedly braked and I ran into her. My coolant hose did not stand the blow and I had to give it up,” said Jirka. The second race showed the spectators what truck racing was about. Frankie Vojtíšek held the leading rank after start but after three laps he was overtaken by Steffi Halm who finally won the race. Holding the defensive trace Vojtíšek held behind him the rest of the field, including Lacko, nearly until the finish tape, thus confirming how hard it is to overtake at Hungaroring. However, in the last curve the domestic pilot Kiss lost his nerves and sent Vojtíšek against the wall. “I do not know what to say about this. Vojtíšek drove so defensively that although more than two seconds per lap slower none of us was able to overtake him. Our tyres still slipped but it was not difficult to hold the rank in the train. Good that I finished before Hahn and reduced his advantage a little," said Adam. After the unfinished first race Jirka Forman started from the fifteenth position but already after the first lap he knocked on the door of the firth ten ranks. Thanks to Vojtíšek´ defensive ride he had no problem reaching the group fighting for the second rank and could watch the wild battle in the lead. ”The audience must have liked this race! The start from the last position was interesting and I am certainly satisfied with the result. It was nice racing and in the last lap I even tried to overtake Hahn, albeit unsuccessfully,” said Jirka. Sunday The team of engineers and mechanics of Buggyra worked hard overnight and thanks to them Adam Lacko won the third rank in the Super Pole. Jiří Forman also advanced among the best ten and obtained the fifth row in the starting field. The first race of the day was won by Jochen Hahn after a successful start, chased for the whole race by the domestic pilot Kiss and our Adam Lacko. Thus although the Czech pilot won a podium rank, he lost further points after his German rival. “Almost but not quite. We are still missing a bit. The road is slippery, but as I could see, not only for us. We will see what the last race has on stock for us,“ were the hopeful expectations of Lacko concerning the last cup race of the weekend. Jirka Forman initially dropped down to the second ten but then he began to accelerate and passed the finish line ranking right after the eighth Smith. But because penalisations were spread around at Hungaroring the newcomer to the Buggyra team enjoyed the first row of the starting grid for the last race. “I am glad that I accelerate race by race and learn new things all the time. Our front brakes were overheated a little but as far as I could see we were not alone in the tropical weather here. The second race will certainly be thrilling,” said Jirka. After start of the second race of the day Forman dropped to the third rank. However, the leading duo Körber - Smith were penalised for speed limit exceeding at start. For long five laps Jirka held a podium rank but in the last but one curve he was held back by Adam Lacko. He rushed forward to get as many points as possible to approach Hahn. “Wonderful, I am glad we managed again. Conditions were very difficult here but we managed. It is not the end yet and next week I would certainly do with some support from the domestic fans,” invited Adam Lacko Czech fans to cheer him from the auditorium slope of the circuit at Most. Jirka Forman held more experienced pilots behind his back, including Janiec, Kiss and Hahn. “Pity I made the two mistakes. Janiec an dKiss made use of them. Otherwise things would have been even better. However, I am happy about my performance. I improved race by race and eventually was even able to stand pressure,” said the satisfied Forman in the finish. The overall ranking is led by the German pilot Jochen Hahn, followed by Adam Lacko with the current loss of thirteen points. The Buggyra Racing Team 1969 secured the second interim rank for themselves in the Constructors´ Cup in Hungary.

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