Vršecký Celebrates another Chinese Double Heading Towards Champion

- 11. 9. 2016, Kuang-tung, China -

David Vršecký has turned two starts at the Kuang-Tung circuit into two triumphs. But due to the second and third rank of Adam Lacko the double European champion cannot celebrate his first Asian champion title prematurely. All is yet to be decided at Shanghai. Saturday On Saturday the pilots were welcomed to the Kuang-Tung circuit by big heat and humidity. However, before the time practice the skies got overcast and poured a monsoonal downpour down on them, flooding the paddock. Although the programme was postponed all practices and races were finished before nightfall. “I am enthusiastic, for it was a nice jostle with Adam. Even when we agreed not to practice anymore I suddenly could not see him in the pit-lace and noticed he slyly left for the last two laps anyway. So I had to jump into my cab as well and give him another quick lap,” explained David his success in defending the pole position against Adam Lacko. “I wanted to tease him once again like in the time practice but in the Super Pole it was no longer possible. Despite that I am very happy for we have tuned the truck up to absolute perfection. Our advantage over the others is more than decent,” added Adam to David´s note. Also the other members of the China Buggyra Racing team Michal Matějovský and Miroslav Forman found their way among the best eleven. Michal finally achieved the sixth quickest lap time and was happy. “For me this is my very first experience at this circuit and a success today. I wonder what the race will be like, the starting position is very good,” said Michal and Míra added: “We could probably have celebrated a big success. I ranked fourth in the time practice but in the Super Pole my truck did not work anymore, having problem with the engine. The result is eighth starting position but I am still satisfied,” pointed Míra to the balanced performance of the Czech pilots. Sunday The first twelve-lap race was turned by David Vršecký into one-man show. He had no problem holding the lead from the start to the finish. Adam Lacko pleased the China Buggyra Racing team with his second rank. “Now it was fine. Luckily we drove on dry road and so I had no trouble watching my rank. But I will see in the second race where I will start from the tenth position,” said David in the finish. “I am glad for the four laps after the safety car for my truck stopped braking completely,” noted Adam. Czech superiority over the domestic pilots was confirmed by Michal Matějovský´s fourth rank. The worst result was on stock for Miroslav Forman, though. “One of the pilots hit me so fiercely that in addition to the deformed cab he also tore my tank and I had to give up. Now my mechanics will be very busy to let me start at least in the second race,” said Forman. Vršecký moved to the ninth rank immediately after start of the second race and then overtook one truck per lap until he found himself after the leading one. “Easier said than done. There was a shower before the race started and so the road was quite slippery. I am glad the truck is not in pieces. Tatra worked without a single problem over the weekend. We have a good position to confirm our determination in Shanghai as we promised each other in the beginning,“ smiled David. Adam Lacko struggled not only with David but also with the other rivals. He managed to overtake all except of one Chinese pilot and finally rank third. “In sum the second overall rank. I can be satisfied for in terms of not only the results but mainly the technological progress we are much farther than last time. But now I will fully concentrate on the European Race Truck Championship, which is my first priority now after all,“ added Adam. Michal Matějovský ranked fourth again, confirming that he becomes one with his truck in the end. “This weekend was a good lesson for me. My truck and me continue to improve and the results reflect that. I believe we enacted nice duels for the audience in the tribunes which from my point of view were all fair play,” said Michal. Míra Forman starting from the fifteenth position enjoyed a nice race, finally ending for him with the eighth rank. “It was super. Pity I had to start from the back. It was not a very good weekend for my team when my team mate could not start in the second race at all. But this is what racing is about. I believe in Shanghai we will be strong again,” said Forman with optimism.

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