Matėjovský clocked the fastest lap of the race

Michal Matėjovský, at the first row of the starting grid of the Saturday race
- 18. 7. 2009, Brands Hatch, UK -

Michal Matėjovský was bedevilled by bad luck in Race 1 at the Brands Hatch circuit. After making a good start, Michal took lead. But than, in the Druids Bend, Michelisz failed to apply brakes adequately and hit the door of Michal's car. Michal went off the track for a moment and, before he joined the race again, dropped down to the tenth position. He was charging hard and managed to close the gap gradually. But then, bad luck set in again as the front left tyre of his car failed.

Michal had to go to the pits and have the wheel replaced. He returned to the track and moved ahead, closing the gap again. He even clocked the fastest lap time, but then, the front left tyre failed again. 'I could do nothing but retire from the race,' Michal expressed his disappointment. 'Tomorrow's race will be very difficult. I will start from the last row of the grid. But I will fight hard. I hope that I will be able to take a point-scoring place,' Michal added.

Awaiting the start of the Saturday race Saturday's race The failure of the front left tyre shattered Michal Matėjovský's hopes in Saturday's race The car was damaged in the Saturday race



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